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INFORMTEKHNIKA group of companies - the leading Russian developer and the producer of modern means of communication. The main activity of INFORMTEKHNIKA Group is implementation of difficult complex telecommunication projects. Development departments, production and service departments of INFORMTEKHNIKA Group carry out research and developmental works on creation of samples of equipment, working off of the latest principles of creation of communication networks, design of objects of communication, delivery and installation of equipment, works on construction of networks of open and special communication, service. To services of customers round-the-clock center of monitoring and technical support, educational advice center.
The range of products includes switching systems "Minik of DX-500", systems of a subscriber radio access and microcellular communication of the DECT "Minikom-DECT" standard, system of trunking communication of the TETRA "Minikom-TETRA" standard, the digital equipment of communication of meetings, intellectual systems of distribution of calls, systems of monitoring and administration of communication networks.